GaLA Conf 2018, Dec. 5-7, Palermo, Italy
The Games and Learning Conference (GaLA Conf) 2018 will be held in Palermo, Italy, 5-7 December 2018. It will be hosted by CNR-ITD, with Manuel Gentile as the general chair.
We are seeking original contributions that advance the state of the art in the technologies and knowledge available to support development and deployment of serious games. Experimental studies are strongly encouraged.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Technology track:
- Advanced Human-Computer Interaction for serious games (hardware, software)
- Artificial intelligence for serious games
- Neuro-scientific principles, experiments and applications
- Hardware devices for user status and performance assessment and estimation
- Technological support for collaborative games
- User modeling and profiling
- Adaptivity
- Augmented and virtual reality
- Support for learner performance assessment (stealth, formative, summative)
- Provision of feedback
- Development tools
- Support for educators and trainers
- Support for gamification
- Learning analytics
- Modeling and simulation
- Interoperability and standards
Pedagogical foundations track:
- Pedagogical theories and their applications in the field of serious games
- User modeling
- Methodologies and principles for serious games user assessment
- Support for educators and trainers
- Pedagogical principles of gamification
- Support higher-order thinking through serious games
Serious Game design track:
- Mapping educational outcomes and principles into serious game mechanics
- Serious game mechanics joining entertainment and pedagogical goals
- Gamification design
- Design of score and rewards
- How to balance realism, engagement, learning and entertainment
- Tools for SG and gamification design
Application track:
- User studies applying serious games in formal education
- User studies applying serious games in training (professional, corporate and executive training, skill development and other workforce programs)
- Case studies on developing/deploying serious games in application domains such as business, management, entrepreneurship, environment, cultural heritage, health, smart buildings, humanities, engineering, manufacturing, security, safety, ethics, etc.
- User studies of applying serious games in the above domains, studying effectiveness for learning/training
- Understanding how, when, with whom, for what to use serious games
- Gamification in various application domains
- Verification of learning transfer
- Study of the long-term impact
- Assessing personal abilities through serious games
- Usability studies
Industrial track:
- Serious games market studies
- Business models for serious games
- Pervasive gaming
- Mobile gaming
- Gamification
- Products to support serious games development and deployment
The accepted articles will be published on Springer LNCS, as in the previous editions.
A dedicated special issue with an upgraded version of the best papers of the conference will be published on The International Journal of Serious Games.
Important dates:
Papers (10 pages) submission deadline: June 29, 2018
Notification date for Papers: September 3, 2018
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due: October 2, 2018