Exploring the prosociality domains of trust and cooperation, through single and cooperative digital gameplay in Path of Trust.


  • Konstantinos Cornelis Apostolakis Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute
  • Athanasios Psaltis Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute
  • Kiriakos Stefanidis Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute
  • Kyriaki Kaza
  • Spyridon Thermos Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute
  • Kosmas Dimitropoulos Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute
  • Evangelia Dimaraki Ellinogermaniki Agogi
  • Petros Daras Centre for Research & Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute




video games, prosocial video games, prosocial behavior,


Amidst an ongoing debate surrounding the traditional dichotomy of whether video games are good or bad for children, in this paper we present Path of Trust, a novel, prosocial game that aims at helping children understand the importance of teamwork and learn how and when to express trustworthiness. We have created a colorful, non-violent digital game, in which children aged 7-10 can be exposed to prosocial content and develop specific prosocial attitudes, such as cooperation and trustworthiness, driven by the fact that video games with prosocial content can be used to improve social interactions. The game was designed to maintain an attractive and engaging nature, which is usually associated with games that are often vilified within social circles in terms of being packed with tons of action and violence. We conducted two separate studies to test our game’s modeling of prosocial behavior, which demonstrate the potential of the game as a tool for teaching important prosocial behavior to children. 


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GaLA Conf 2015 special issue

How to Cite

Exploring the prosociality domains of trust and cooperation, through single and cooperative digital gameplay in Path of Trust. (2016). International Journal of Serious Games, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.125

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