Digital games and learning mathematics: Student, teacher and parent perspectives


  • Su Ting Yong The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
  • Peter Gates The University of Nottingham
  • Ian Harrison The University of Nottingham



mathematics, digital games, motivation, attitude, digital native


The purpose of this study was to explore the potential use of digital games in learning mathematics at secondary school level in Malaysia. Three secondary school students, three mathematics teachers and three parents were interviewed in this study. All the participants were asked for their views and experiences in mathematics, technology usage and the use of digital games in learning mathematics. The results suggested that students were supportive and positive towards the use of computer games in learning mathematics. Nevertheless, parents preferred conventional teaching approach, in which they recognized personal communication and socialization as a significant component in learning. Although the teachers did not go on to oppose the idea of using computer games for teaching mathematics, they still perceived the use of discursive approaches as the best teaching approach for learning mathematics with digital technologies at best a possible additional complementary feature. In view of that, the combination of classroom teaching and computer games might the best mathematics pedagogy. 


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How to Cite

Digital games and learning mathematics: Student, teacher and parent perspectives. (2016). International Journal of Serious Games, 3(4).