Player-Specific Conflict Handling Ontology


  • Charline Hondrou National Technical University of Athens
  • Eleni Tsalapati National Technical University of Athens
  • Amaryllis Raouzaiou National Technical University of Athens
  • George Marandianos National Technical University of Athens
  • Kostas Karpouzis National Technical University of Athens
  • Stefanos Kollias National Technical University of Athens



serious game, ontology, conflict, emotion analysis


This paper presents an ontology that leads the player of a serious game - regarding conflict handling - to the educative experience from which they will benefit the most. It provides a clearly defined tree of axioms that maps the player’s visually manifested affective cues and emotional stimuli from the serious game to conflict handling styles and proposes interventions. The importance of this ontology lies in the fact that it promotes natural interaction (non-invasive methods) and at the same time makes the game as player-specific as it can be for its educational goal. It is an ontology that can be adapted to different educational theories and serve various educational purposes.


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How to Cite

Player-Specific Conflict Handling Ontology. (2014). International Journal of Serious Games, 1(3).