Natural Language Processing in Serious Games: A state of the art.


  • Davide Picca University of Lausanne
  • Dominique Jaccard University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
  • Gérald Eberlé University of Lausanne



E-learning, Natural Language Processing, Serious Games, Computer Assisted Learning,


In the last decades, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has obtained a high level of success. Interactions between NLP and Serious Games have started and some of them already include NLP techniques. The objectives of this paper are twofold: on the one hand, providing a simple framework to enable analysis of potential uses of NLP in Serious Games and, on the other hand, applying the NLP framework to existing Serious Games and giving an overview of the use of NLP in pedagogical Serious Games. In this paper we present 11 serious games exploiting NLP techniques. We present them systematically, according to the following structure:  first, we highlight possible uses of NLP techniques in Serious Games, second, we describe the type of NLP implemented in the each specific Serious Game and, third, we provide a link to possible purposes of use for the different actors interacting in the Serious Game.

Author Biographies

  • Davide Picca, University of Lausanne

    Davide Picca is lecturer at the University of Lausanne. He has been analyzing the interaction between Semantic Web technologies and multilingual NLP throughout his career. His studies comprise the use of psychological principles applied to Web technologies for the tagging of texts  as well as the use of multilingual encyclopedias , thus showing his constant exposure to the research on multilinguality, semantic Web and NLP technologies 

  • Dominique Jaccard, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

    Dominique Jaccard is professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland. His teaching activities include project management, complexity & system thinking approach, feasibility analysis and management of non-profit organizations. For more than 10 years, his research activity focuses on experiential learning, serious games and simulations. At the head of the AlbaSim research team at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Dominique Jaccard lead research & development projects in the area of serious games, with the goal to design innovative solutions for higher and professional education

  • Gérald Eberlé, University of Lausanne

    Gérald Eberlé ,Phd in Physics, has been manager of various projects (accademic and commercial), from simple to very complex. Analysis of the users requirements. Study and proposal of appropriate solutions. Implementation and follow up of the users accepted solutions.


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How to Cite

Natural Language Processing in Serious Games: A state of the art. (2015). International Journal of Serious Games, 2(3).

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