Learning Impact Evaluation of the serious game “Cultural Awareness – Afghanistan Pre-deployment”


  • Alessandra Barbieri NATO STO CMRE
  • Alessandra Tesei NATO STO CMRE
  • Agostino Bruzzone NATO STO CMRE
  • Ion Roceanu Carol I National Defence University
  • Daniel Beligan Carol I National Defence University




Cultural Awareness, Game effectiveness evaluation, Group studies


Attention to human factor in conducting any type of military/security operations is currently an objective of utmost importance in the context of troop training within NATO. To this purpose, a number of serious games were developed, addressing different aspects of cultural awareness and correctness in approaching human beings during a mission. A significant example is “Afghanistan Pre-deployment – Cultural Awareness”, a serious game widely adopted in NATO Defense Schools to support pre-deployment training of troops for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) missions in Afghanistan. In the context of GALA, the European Network of Excellence on Serious Games, the Romanian National Defense University (MAN) and NATO-STO CMRE conducted a user study particularly focused on the learning impact of this serious game. The study was first run in parallel on different typologies of players (soldier trainees at MAN; and civilian/military staff at CMRE) in order to get different perspectives in the game test and evaluation; results of respective analyses were compared, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this type of serious game as a learning tool. A preliminary correlation study was conducted between users’ perception of the game and their respective background and level of engagement.

Author Biography

  • Alessandra Tesei, NATO STO CMRE


    Engineering Dept.


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How to Cite

Learning Impact Evaluation of the serious game “Cultural Awareness – Afghanistan Pre-deployment”. (2014). International Journal of Serious Games, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v1i3.27