Use of Ecological Gestures in Soccer Games Running on Mobile Devices


  • Valere Plantevin University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
  • Bob-Antoine Jerry Menelas University of Quebec at Chicoutimi



ecological interactions, gesture recognition, mobile serious games


The strong integration of “intelligent mobile devices” into modern societies offers a great potential for a wide spread distribution of mobile serious games. As in the case of Virtual Reality based systems, in order to be useful and efficient, these serious games need to be validated ecologically. In this context, this paper addresses the use of ecological interactions for a mobile serious game. We exploit a wearable insole in order to let users interact with a virtual soccer game via real-world soccer movements. We analyzed the concept of ecological interactions. The system used for recognition of ecological gestures is also detailed. A primary study showed that proposed system can be exploited for real time gesture recognition on a mobile device.

Author Biographies

  • Valere Plantevin, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
    Student at the Computer Science and mathematics department
  • Bob-Antoine Jerry Menelas, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
    Assistant professor at the Computer Science and mathematics department


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How to Cite

Use of Ecological Gestures in Soccer Games Running on Mobile Devices. (2014). International Journal of Serious Games, 1(4).