Enhancing Surgical Team Performance with Game-Based training


  • Christine Kreutzer University of Central Florida
  • Madeline Marks University of Central Florida
  • Clint Bowers University of Central Florida
  • Curtiss Murphy Alion Science and Technology




Healthcare, Teams, Communication



Poor team communication has been attributed to many patient safety issues in healthcare. Efficacious team training methods are needed. The present study examines the use of a game-based training approach for enhancing surgical team communication skills. Participants who played the game achieved improved declarative knowledge, and had greater levels of training transfer relative to the control group. These results suggest that game-based training may to be a promising mechanism for improving teamwork in the healthcare industry.



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How to Cite

Enhancing Surgical Team Performance with Game-Based training. (2016). International Journal of Serious Games, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i1.103