Understanding the Role of Achievements in Game-Based Learning


  • Lucas Blair Institute for Simulation and Training University of Central Florida
  • Clint Bowers Department of Psychology University of Central Florida
  • Janis Cannon-Bowers Institute for Simulation and Training University of Central Florida
  • Emily Gonzalez-Holland Dept of Psychology University of Central Florida




game-based learning, achievement


The objective of the current research was to examine whether one potentially effective gaming strategy—achievements—has a positive impact on learning in a game-based environment. An achievement in a video game is a reward or recognition earned by players for an in-game accomplishment. This paper describes a series of studies to evaluate the effects of achievement types on learning in a game designed to teach about health resources. The Game “Phone Dash” was used as the testbed for the following studies. The following questionnaires were utilized in this study: Video Game Self-Efficacy Scale (VGSES) questionnaire, Relevance and Usefulness questionnaire, Game Engagement Questionnaire (GEQ), and the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Four studies were conducted. Results indicated that while in unison, the achievements were not as potent in motivating performance, certainly when combined they produced measurable changes in behavior. The four studies described in this paper provide important information regarding the optimal design of achievements in game-based health education. Developers of future game-based learning can use this information to enhance the potential effectiveness of their products. 

Author Biography

  • Clint Bowers, Department of Psychology University of Central Florida
    Profesor, Dept. of Psychology


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How to Cite

Understanding the Role of Achievements in Game-Based Learning. (2016). International Journal of Serious Games, 3(4). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i4.114