The RAGE Game Software Components Repository for Supporting Applied Game Development


  • Krassen Stefanov Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
  • Atanas Georgiev Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
  • Alexander Grigorov Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
  • Boyan Bontchev Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
  • Pavel Boytchev Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
  • Wim Westera Open University of the Netherlands
  • Rui Prada
  • Paul Hollins
  • Pablo Moreno
  • Enkhbold Nyamsuren Open University of the Netherlands
  • Kiavash Bahreini Open University of the Netherlands



software assets, serious games, asset repository, taxonomy tools, metadata editor, reuse


This paper presents the architecture of the RAGE repository, which is a unique and dedicated infrastructure that provides access to a wide variety of advanced technology components for applied game development. The RAGE project, which is the principal Horizon2020 research and innovation project on applied gaming, develops up to three dozens of software components (RAGE software assets) that are reusable across a wide diversity of game engines, game platforms and programming languages. The RAGE repository provides storage space for assets and their artefacts and is designed as an asset life-cycle management system for defining, publishing, updating, searching and packaging for distribution of these assets. It will be embedded in a social platform for asset developers and other users. A dedicated Asset Repository Manager provides the main functionality of the repository and its integration with other systems. Tools supporting the Asset Manager are presented and discussed. When the RAGE repository is in full operation, applied game developers will be able to easily enhance the quality of their games by including selected advanced game software assets. Making available the RAGE repository system and its variety of software assets aims to enhance the coherence and decisiveness of the applied game industry.

Author Biography

  • Krassen Stefanov, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
    Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Professor


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Gala Conf 2016 Special Issue

How to Cite

The RAGE Game Software Components Repository for Supporting Applied Game Development. (2017). International Journal of Serious Games, 4(3).