Metrics Feedback Cycle: measuring and improving user engagement in gamified eLearning systems


  • Adam Atkins University of Southampton
  • Vanissa Wanick University of Southampton
  • Gary Wills University of Southampton



gamification, eLearning, metrics


This paper presents the identification, design and implementation of a set of metrics of user engagement in a gamified eLearning application. The 'Metrics Feedback Cycle' (MFC) is introduced as a formal process prescribing the iterative evaluation and improvement of application-wide engagement, using data collected from metrics as input to improve related engagement features. This framework was showcased using a gamified eLearning application as a case study. In this paper, we designed a prototype and tested it with thirty-six (N=36) students to validate the effectiveness of the MFC. The analysis and interpretation of metrics data shows that the gamification features had a positive effect on user engagement, and helped identify areas in which this could be improved. We conclude that the MFC has applications in gamified systems that seek to maximise engagement by iteratively evaluating implemented features against a set of evolving metrics.


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How to Cite

Metrics Feedback Cycle: measuring and improving user engagement in gamified eLearning systems. (2017). International Journal of Serious Games, 4(4).