Enhancing healthy habits among overweight and obese children through Serious Games: Review and Technical Analysis


  • Jon Arambarri Virtualware
  • Isabel de la Torre Department of Signal Theory and Communications. University of Valladolid,
  • Miguel López-Coronado Department of Signal Theory and Communications. University of Valladolid,
  • Daria Druzhinenko-Silhan UMR 7367 “Dynamiques Européennes”, CNRS




Enhancing healthy habits, Interactivity, Obesity, Serious Games


Obesity that begins in childhood results in excess adult mortality estimated at between 50 and 80%. The medical community developed an understanding of obesity as a chronic condition that must be managed on an ongoing basis. An integrated system based on ICT, including games adapted to the age and profile of the children and youth can be the key to support them and their families in the prevention of obesity and the acquisition of healthy habits. Important societal and economic impact is foreseen from the adoption of these technologies. In this paper, Serious Games will be research to remark its potential for fostering desirable health-related behaviors through motivational reinforcement, personalized teaching approaches, and social networking as well as more effective utilization of obesity-related nutrition and lifestyle information.

Author Biography

  • Jon Arambarri, Virtualware

    Telecommunications Engineer, MBA Executive and PhD in Project Management.

    R&D and Alliances Manager at www.virtualwaregroup.com.

    He combines his professional work with Independent expert and lecturer activities for Europe and America (www.funiber.org).

    More than 15 years of proven experience in entrepreneurship and innovation.

    His research interests combine both Telecommunication networks management and how ICT services – Multimedia, 3D Animation & Interactive Virtual Environments – do provide value added solutions to “traditional” sector – Cultural heritage, Education, Health, Climate change.

    Member of the Steering Board Committee of ), the European Technology Platform where New Media Content and Networks meet (http://www.nem-initiative.org ).

    Author of several scientific publications and active participant in conferences and seminars about the strategic challenges to be covered by ICT.

    Further information; http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=13560202&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile  


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Letters to the Editor

How to Cite

Enhancing healthy habits among overweight and obese children through Serious Games: Review and Technical Analysis. (2015). International Journal of Serious Games, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v2i1.61

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