Observation and analysis of a classroom teaching and learning practice based on augmented reality and serious games on mobile platforms


  • Sylvie Barma Laval University
  • Sylvie Daniel Université Laval
  • Nathalie Bacon Université Laval
  • Marie-Andrée Gingras Cégep de Sainte-Foy
  • Mathieu Fortin Cégep de Sainte-Foy




mobile learning, augmented reality, serious games, design-based research, physics.


This qualitative research is part of a learning effort to better understand how serious games are exploited in a science education context. The research team examined this issue by focusing on augmented reality as a technological innovation imbedded on a tablet. Given the current state of knowledge related to serious games and augmented reality, and given the fact that its use in the context of teaching/learning is not extended, this paper focuses on an initial exploration of how a new teaching practice involving a serious game based on an interactive augmented reality solution would impact on students in a physics class. A Design Based Research methodology was applied in a real?world context within a college?level physics class. Two conceptual tests containing ten questions on spatial notions regarding electromagnetic fields were administered to two control groups and two groups using the proposed serious game. The latter groups were administrated a game evaluation questionnaire as well. Thematic interpretation of students written responses to the evaluation questionnaire as well as the lessons and observations we derived from the in-class experimentation are provided and discussed in the paper.

Author Biography

  • Sylvie Barma, Laval University
    Sylvie Barma is a professor of Science Education at the Faculty of Education at Laval University since 2008. After teaching high school science for twenty years and contributing to the development of the new Quebec Science and Technology curriculum, she obtained a Ph. D. in Science Education. She is also Program director of a preservice teachers’ training program.


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How to Cite

Observation and analysis of a classroom teaching and learning practice based on augmented reality and serious games on mobile platforms. (2015). International Journal of Serious Games, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v2i2.66