

  • Remco Veltkamp Utrecht University




I am very pleased to introduce this special issue of IJSG, which is  dedicated to the Games and Learning Alliance Conference (GaLA Conf), that was held in Rome, December 2015. A number of the best conference papers were selected, and the authors were invited to extend their paper with at least one third new content, and to submit their paper to IJSG to undergo a regular review process. This issue contains five of these papers. 


[1] Fijnheer J. D. L., van Oostendorp H., Steps to Design a Household Energy Game, The Int.l Journal of Serious Games, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, July-September 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.131
[2] Roungas B., A Model-driven Framework for Educational Game Design, The Int.l Journal of Serious Games, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, July-September 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.126
[3] Apostolakis K. C., Psaltis A., Stefanidis K., Kaza K., Thermos S., Dimitropoulos K., Dimaraki E., Daras P. Exploring the prosociality domains of trust and cooperation, through single and cooperative digital gameplay in Path of Trust, The Int.l Journal of Serious Games, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, July-September 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.125
[4] Baek S., Park J.-Y., Han J.-H-, Teacher assessment of simulation-based serious games for science education, The Int.l Journal of Serious Games, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, July-September 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.123
[5] Kuindersma E., van der Pal J., van den Herik J. and Plaat A., Comparing Voluntary and Mandatory Gameplay, The Int.l Journal of Serious Games, Vol. 3, Nr. 3, July-September 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v3i3.133







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