Gamified Learning Theory: The Moderating role of learners' learning tendencies
Gamification, Gamified Learning Theory, learning tendencies, personalized gamification, engagement, academic participation, gamified experienceAbstract
The Gamified Learning Theory implies that gamification does not affect learning directly but stimulates a learning-related behavior in a mediating or moderating process. A learner-related behavior can, to some extent, be predicted based on the way learners tend to perceive, understand and utilize information. These different ways of learning are known as learning tendencies. This study investigates the moderator role of learning tendencies on gamification success concerning learners' academic participation, engagement, and experience. For this, Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model is used for the identification of learners' tendencies. In our study, 69 Computer Science students were randomly assigned to one control and two treatment groups. Students in the treatment groups were assigned two different gamified courses, while the control group attended a non-gamified course. This allowed us to analyze the individual effect of each gamification design and compare and see which gamification design was more appropriate for a learner with particular tendencies. Our results indicate that gamification design positively contributes to academic participation, affects learners' engagement in gamified environments, and that students' learning tendencies moderated students' engagement.
Copyright (c) 2021 Nadja Zaric, Rene Roepke, Vlatko Lukarov, Ulrik Schroeder
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