Game Based Cyber Security Training: are Serious Games suitable for cyber security training?


  • Maurice Hendrix Faculty of Engineering Environment and Computing, School of Computing Engineering and Maths, Coventry University, UK
  • Ali Al-Sherbaz Department of Computing, School of Science and Technology, The University of Northampton
  • Victoria Bloom Department of Computing, School of Computing, Electronics and Maths, Coventry University,



Games, Serious Games, Cyber Security, Training, Online Safety,


Security research and training is attracting a lot of investment and interest from governments and the private sector. Most efforts have focused on physical security, while cyber security or digital security has been given less importance. With recent high-profile attacks it has become clear that training in cyber security is needed. Serious Games have the capability to be effective tools for public engagement and behavioural change and role play games, are already used by security professionals. Thus cyber security seems especially well-suited to Serious Games.

This paper investigates whether games can be effective cyber security training tools. The study is conducted by means of a structured literature review supplemented with a general web search.

While there are early positive indications there is not yet enough evidence to draw any definite conclusions. There is a clear gap in target audience with almost all products and studies targeting the general public and very little attention given to IT professionals and managers. The products and studies also mostly work over a short period, while it is known that short-term interventions are not particularly effective at affecting behavioural change.


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How to Cite

Game Based Cyber Security Training: are Serious Games suitable for cyber security training?. (2016). International Journal of Serious Games, 3(1).

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