Does Feedback Design Matter? A Neurofeedback Study Comparing Immersive Virtual Reality and Traditional Training Screens in Elderly


  • Silvia Erika Kober Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria BioTechMed-Graz
  • Johanna Louise Reichert Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria BioTechMed-Graz
  • Daniela Schweiger Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria
  • Christa Neuper Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria BioTechMed-Graz Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Institute of Neural Engineering, Graz University of Technology
  • Guilherme Wood Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria BioTechMed-Graz



Aging, Brain-Computer Interface, Feedback design, User Experience,


Neurofeedback (NF) is a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) application, in which the brain activity is fed back to the user in real-time enabling voluntary brain control. In this context, the significance of the feedback design is mainly unexplored. Highly immersive feedback scenarios using virtual reality (VR) technique are available. However, their effects on subjective user experience as well as on objective outcome measures remain open. In the present article, we discuss the general pros and cons of using VR as feedback modality in BCI applications. Furthermore, we report on the results of an empirical study, in which the effects of traditional two-dimensional and three-dimensional VR based feedback scenarios on NF training performance and user experience in healthy older individuals and neurologic patients were compared. In conclusion, we suggest indications and contraindications of immersive VR feedback designs in BCI applications. Our results show that findings in healthy individuals are not always transferable to patient populations having an impact on serious game and feedback design.


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Gala Conf 2016 Special Issue

How to Cite

Does Feedback Design Matter? A Neurofeedback Study Comparing Immersive Virtual Reality and Traditional Training Screens in Elderly. (2017). International Journal of Serious Games, 4(3).

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