Evaluation of Spatial Perspective Taking Skills using a Digital Game with Different Levels of Immersion


  • Laura Freina National Research Council – Institute for Educational Technologies http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1202-087X
  • Rosa Bottino National Research Council – Institute for Educational Technologies
  • Mauro Tavella National Research Council – Institute for Educational Technologies
  • Carlo Chiorri University of Genova – DISFOR




Spatial Perspective Taking, Virtual Reality, Immersion, Spatial Reasoning


The present paper presents the results of an experiment aimed at assessing the impact of different levels of immersion on performance in a Spatial Perspective Taking (SPT) task. Since SPT is an embodied skill, the hypothesis was that the more immersive a tool is, the better the performance should be. Ninety-eight students from a local primary school have played with three different versions of a game: (i) completely immersive with a Head Mounted Display, (ii) semi immersive on a computer screen and (iii) non-immersive where no movements were possible for the player. Results showed that in the immersive versions of the game, players obtained higher scores than in the non-immersive version, suggesting that an immersive tool can better support performance in a SPT task.

Author Biography

  • Rosa Bottino, National Research Council – Institute for Educational Technologies
    Director of the Institute for Educational Technologies


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Gala Conf 2016 Special Issue

How to Cite

Evaluation of Spatial Perspective Taking Skills using a Digital Game with Different Levels of Immersion. (2017). International Journal of Serious Games, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.17083/ijsg.v4i3.178